
Friday, 10 February 2012

11i and Listener Passwords

A standard practice for any Oracle database should be to enable passwords on your listeners. EBS is no exception and recently Oracle published a metalink note: 386374.1 on how to do this for 11.5.x environments.

There are some pre-reqs, specifically:

3453499 (11i.ADX.F)
5225940 (Post ADX.F Fixes)

The note has detailed steps on how to set the password at the application and database tiers.

In my opinion, just as important as setting a password, is to monitor for invalid attempts after. Otherwise whats the point? At best you will only slow down a determined intruder. Once you have set a password, any attempt to execute a command via lsnrctl (without setting your password first) will result in the following error showing up in your listener log:

TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the password

Each DBA has his preferred language for scripts. Some prefer shell, others perl. Myself, I prefer perl. Below is a perl script I have used to monitor the listener log for the above error.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

if ($#ARGV !=1) {
die "Usage: ex. hostname /var/opt/oracle/listener.log.\n";
sleep 2;

$interval=60; # How many seconds before we check to see if data has been written to the logfile;
$email_threshold=5; # How many errors within the interval before an email gets sent;
open(filePtr, $file) or die "Can't find $file\n";

for (;;) {
@errors=("Subject: Listener Password Errors for $hostname\n");
$currTime = localtime(time);
push(@errors,"Here are some errors found at $currTime for $hostname.\n");

while () {
chop $_;
if (/TNS-01169/) {
push(@errors, "$_\n");

if ($#errors > $email_threshold) {
$rndExt = time;
$rndFile = "alert_errors_$rndExt";
open (TMPFILE, ">/tmp/$rndFile");

foreach $error (@errors) {
print TMPFILE $error;
system ("mail username\ < /tmp/$rndFile");
system ("rm /tmp/$rndFile");

sleep $interval;
seek filePtr, 0, 1;

The script takes two parameters:

A couple of key things you may want to customize in the above script are the $intervaland $email_threshold variables. As well, there is an email address towards the bottom where alerts will be sent.

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