
Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Modifying the Listener Port for Database Control

The steps in this section assume you need to change the listener port as well. Since the listener was already created for me here are the steps I had to follow:

1. Stop DB Control by executing the command emctl stop dbconsole

2. Modify the agent to reflect the new port number. Edit $ORACLE_HOME//sysman/emd/targets.xml

The instructions say you only need to modify the listener port value. However, I noticed that there are two entries in this file. One is for the database and another for the listener, each pointing to the default port of 1521. I'm not sure if I needed to change the database port but since the DBA wanted to keep both environments separate I changed it to be safe. I didn't test this procedure without making that change.

Here is a copy of the file (of course username and password values were modified. ;).

3. Modify $ORACLE_HOME//sysman/config/ to reflect the new port. Two entries have to be modified here as well. emdRepPort and emdRepConnectDescriptor should reflect the new port number.

Here are the modified entries with 1522 replacing the standard port 1521.


4. Last but not least start up database console with emctl start dbconsole and verify that you can login successfully.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Monitoring your RMAN backup scripts

There is an easy way to monitor your RMAN backup scripts in a unix environment. I've seen quite a few DBA's log the rman output to a file and then grep it for errors.


rman target / CMDFILE /home/oracle/scripts/rman.sql LOG $logfile
errors=`cat $logfile|grep -i error|wc -l`
if test $errors -gt 0
mailx -s "BACKUP FAILED", <<\!
`cat $logfile`

Another method would be to examine the return code from the rman client. Rman returns a value of 0 to the shell if the backup was successful. Otherwise it returns a nonzero value and from what I have seen this is always 1. (Have you seen any other values?)

So another way of writing the above script would be

rman target / CMDFILE /home/oracle/scripts/rman.sql LOG $logfile

if [ $status -gt 0 ] ; then
mailx -s "BACKUP FAILED: NITIDB" <<\!
`cat $logfile`
mailx -s "SuccessfulBackup: NITIDB" <<\!
`cat $logfile`

NOTE: Ignore the backlashes before the exclamation points above.

As you can see above, after rman executes I set a status variable. $? is automatically set to the return code from the rman client. After that I check the value and there was an error I send an email saying the backup failed and put the contents of the log file into the body of the message. If the backup was successful, I still send a copy of the logfile.

The reason I do this is because each day I will expect to see either a successful or failed email. I've had issues in the past with cron not executing scheduled jobs (for numerous reasons).

So if I don't receive an email I'll verify the backup manually.

ORA-00600 during dbTier

While cloning a new environment (to me) today I hit the following error:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [skkxerrp], [skkxdllload],
[SlfFopen], [/u001/CRP1/oracle/crp1db10g/10.2.0/plsql/nativelib/d66/], [No such file or directory], [], [], []

A search of metalink will result in a single hit, NOTE:382767.1. The note mentions two possible solutions:
Setup native PL/SQL before cloning
Modify the rapid clone template file to remove two plsql parameters.
Well, in this case i'm told the production environment has always had pl/sql native compilation, so number 1 didn't apply. If I performed the second potential solution then my newly cloned environment wouldn't be identical to production until I re-setup native compilation.

When I looked at the template file ($ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/template/afinitdb_102.ora), I noticed that by default the parameter plsql_code_type gets reset to INTERPRETED. I'm not sure why this happens, I would have assumed it would be set to the production value of NATIVE. So instead of performing the solutions described in the metalink note I change plsql_code_type to native and re-executed dbTier, which this time completed without error.